Phuc Lam Trading Development Company Limited

Use biodegradable plastic bags to protect the environment


With normal plastic bags, users face many health risks and seriously pollute the environment. Using biodegradable plastic bags is a solution to limit and solve the risk of environmental pollution and protect human health.

1 / What is biodegradable plastic bag?

While plastic bags are made from plastic, recycled plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose but have been used blamelessly, biodegradable plastic bags are made from organic raw materials (cornstarch). , flour) under the influence of microorganisms, the packaging will transform into simple organic substances, easily dissolved or decomposing into carbon dioxide and water, without causing environmental pollution.


Consumers can buy this bag at supermarkets, the price ranges from 60 to 90 thousand / roll (depending on the brand). Some types of biodegradable German and Dutch bags have a higher price of 50-60 thousand compared to domestic products. The above bags are confirmed by the manufacturer to self-destruct in the natural environment after 2-4 months.

2 / Choose to buy biodegradable plastic bags

As a product with great effect in protecting the environment, consumers should choose products with green labels and reputable units. If it is not self-destructing or fake, it will not have a green label.

Plastic biodegrades when to touch smooth, usually white or transparent, not rich in color.

In addition, the purchased biodegradable product can be determined whether or not it is toxic by burning. If the product is flammable, not fuming, the toxicity will be limited. On the contrary, the toxicity is difficult to burn, the fire does not foam but fumes, has a strange smell, when it comes out of the fire, it will stop absorbing.

The self-destructing bag only changes in size of the material after a period of decay, but the nature of the materials used to make them remains unchanged, i.e. the plastic does not disappear and is still capable of causing pollution. .

In addition to choosing to buy, consumers also need to understand that: Regular or biodegradable plastic, whether it is not or less toxic, should not be used to wrap and store hot foods (soup, porridge ...) to avoid the additives in the bag dissolve into the food.


Although the product is very beneficial for the environment, consumers should not depend on the ability of the product to self-destruct, but use it rampantly and improperly, considering to protect health from changing habits. used to using plastic bags with safe alternatives.