Phuc Lam Trading Development Company Limited

Harmful from nylon garbage


Unpredictable harm. Nylon bag has become an indispensable item in the lives of most people. At people's markets, nylon bags are mainly used in food storage, wrapping, and preservation ...

With the advantages of being durable, firm, convenient and low cost, nylon bags are present in almost every place. from small shops to large supermarkets and shopping malls. However, only a small part of this is collected, recycled, and most are thrown out innocently. That is not only economically wasteful, but also poses many environmental problems.

According to statistics, every day Hanoi generates about 8,000 tons of waste, of which nylon waste accounts for 7-8%. It is noteworthy that the amount of this nylon bag increases year by year with an increasing degree, creating overloading pressure on the environment. Although the Law on Environmental Protection Tax (effective from 2012) stipulates that each kg of persistent nylon bags will be subject to 40,000 VND of tax. With the selling price of 30,000 VND / kg, if including the environmental protection tax and value added tax, the current nylon bag price must be more than 70,000 VND / kg. However, the price of nylon bags sold in markets is still popular at around 30,000 VND / kg because many companies producing these products do not pay environmental protection tax. This not only creates price inequality in the market, but also makes small traders and people not interested in using environmentally friendly bags.

Nylon bags are difficult to decompose in natural conditions. Decomposition can last from 500 to 1,000 years without the impact of sunlight. Therefore, the existence of nylon bags in the environment will seriously affect soil and water, alter the physical properties of the soil, cause erosion, make the soil unable to retain water, and affect fertility. growth of the crop. If the nylon bag is thrown into a pond, lake, river, it will clog drains, ditches, canals, ditches, causing waste water stagnation and waterlogging, which is a breeding ground for many pathogenic bacteria.

More seriously, the environment polluted by nylon bags will directly and indirectly affect human health. Stained nylon packaging contaminates food by containing metals such as lead, damaging the brain and is the main cause of lung cancer. When burned, nylon packaging creates a lot of toxic gases, especially dioxin which can cause poisoning, fainting, blood vomiting, shortness of breath, dysfunction, impaired ability immune, affects the endocrine glands. In particular, the plastic bags dyed blue, red, containing metals such as lead, cadmium, if stored processed food, will harm human health.

Prof, Dr. Nguyen Duy Thinh (former staff of the Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Technology) said that nylon bags often used for food containers are made from PE (Polyethylene) or PP ( Polypropylene). The composition of these resins is non-toxic, but the additives that make the plastic soft and flexible are potentially toxic to the user. Recycled packaging types are marked with nothing to distinguish recycled recovery from pure. Therefore, in the process of using, people need to pay attention when choosing safe food packaging.

Need to change habits

The indiscriminate discharge of nylon bags is one of the reasons why the environment is increasingly polluted. It can be clearly seen that in landfills, landfills, garbage trucks ... are always filled with nylon bags of all sizes and colors mixed with other types of waste and waste. But while other types of waste have been decomposed for a long time, nylon bags still do not decompose.

Plastic garbage is discharged a lot into the environment because nylon bags are easy to buy and cheap, so it creates a bad habit for users, often used once and then thrown away. Currently, some countries have applied sanctions to minimize the use of nylon bags, bottles and plastic containers in everyday life. Shops and supermarkets in developed countries have switched from using nylon bags to more environmentally friendly bags such as cloth bags, paper ... Many places have been campaigning to eliminate nylon by hitting High taxes on plastic products or prohibiting the use of this product in major cities.

In order to limit the use of plastic bags, the State needs solutions and policies to encourage and support the use of environmentally friendly bags; building a plastic bag recycling collection system, encouraging distributors and retailers to participate in a program to reduce distribution of nylon bags; There are mechanisms to support capital and technology for businesses to manufacture nylon bag replacement products, making the price of this bag as cheap as today's nylon bag.

At the same time, it is necessary to propose specific practical application solutions such as sorting of nylon bag waste for recycling, applying tax incentives for the use of environmentally friendly bags, encouraging repeated use at Supermarkets, trade centers ... However, the most important thing is the entry of each citizen and consumer to change their habits and limit the use of nylon bags in daily life to preserve habitat.